Table 2: AGEPRO Keyword Parameters

Table 2: Table of AGEPRO input file keywords.
Keyword Purpose
GENERAL Input general model parameters
CASEID Input title identifying model attributes
BOOTSTRAP Input information for bootstrap numbers at age file
HARVEST Input information for harvest intensity (\(F\) or \(Q\)) by fleet
RETROADJUST Input information for retrospective bias adjustment
NATMORT Input information for natural mortality rate (\(M\)) at age
BIOLOGICAL Input information on seasonal spawning timing for \(F\) and \(M\)
MATURITY Input information on maturity at age
STOCK_WEIGHT Input information on stock weights (Jan \(1^{st}\)) at age
SSB_WEIGHT Input information on spawning biomass weights at age
MEAN_WEIGHT Input information on mean weights at age
FISHERY Input information on fishery selectivity at age by fleet
DISCARD Input information on discard fraction of numbers at age
CATCH_WEIGHT Input information on catch weights at age
DISC_WEIGHT Input information on discard weights at age
RECRUIT Input information on recruitment model
BOUNDS Input bounds on simulated fish weights and natural mortality rates
OPTIONS Input information on projection output
SCALE Input information on scaling factors for biomass, recruitment, and stock size
PERC Input information for setting a specific percentile for the distributions of outputs
REFPOINT Input information for reference points
REBUILD Input information for calculating \(F\) to rebuild spawning biomass
PSTAR Input information for calculating \(TAC\) to produce \(P*\) which is the probability of overfishing in the target projection year.