Table 1: Glossary of AGEPRO variables

Table 1: Glossary of variables in the AGEPRO module.
Variable Description
\(A\) Age of plus-group (fish age-\(A\) and older) and last index value for \(\underline{N}\)
\(B_S(t)\) Spawning biomass in year \(t\)
\(\overline{B}(t)\) Mean stock biomass in year \(t\)
\(B_T\) Total stock biomass on January \(1^{st}\) of year \(t\)
\(B\) Number of input initial population vectors \(\underline{N}(t)\)
\(C_a(t)\) Total catch number of age-\(a\) fish that are caught in year \(t\)
\(C_{v,a}(t)\) Number of age-\(a\) fish caught by fleet \(v\) in year \(t\)
\(D(t)\) Total weight of fish discarded fish in year \(t\)
\(F(t)\) Instantaneous fully-selected fishing mortality rate in year \(t\)
\(F_a(t)\) Total fishing mortality rate for age-\(a\) fish in year \(t\)
\(F_{v,a}(t)\) Fishing mortality rate on age-\(a\) fish by fleet \(v\) in year \(t\)
\(F_B\) Instantaneous fishing mortality weighted by mean biomass in year \(t\)

Harvest index for year \(t\).

  • If the harvest index has value \(I(t)=1\), then fishery harvest is based on a specified landings quota \(Q(t) \ge 0\) with catch units of metric tons
  • Else if \(I(t) = 0\), then fishery harvest is based on an instantaneous fishing mortality rate \(F(t) \ge 0\)
\(L(t)\) Total weight of fish landed in year \(t\)
\(M_a(t)\) Instantaneous natural mortality rate of age-\(a\) fish in year \(t\)
\(N_a(t)\) Number of age-\(a\) fish alive on January 1st of year \(t\)
\(N_M\) Number of recruitment models used in the projection
\(P_{v,D,a}(t)\) Proportion of age-\(a\) fish caught and discarded in year \(t\)
\(S_{v,a}(t)\) Fishery selectivity for age-\(a\) fish by fleet \(v\) in year \(t\)
\(P_{R,i}(t)\) Probability that the \(i^{th}\) recruitment model is applied in year \(t\)
\(P_{mature,a}(t)\) Proportion of age-\(a\) fish that are sexually mature in year \(t\)
\(Z_{Frac}(t)\) Proportion of total mortality occurring prior to spawning in year \(t\)
\(Q_v(t)\) Landings quota (mt) for fleet \(v\) in year \(t\)
\(R(t)\) Recruitment (number of age-1 fish on January \(1^{st}\)) in year \(t\)
\(W_{P,a}(t)\) Average population weight of an age-\(a\) fish on January \(1^{st}\) in year \(t\)
\(W_{v,L,a}(t)\) Average landed (catch) weight of age of an age-\(a\) fish by fleet \(v\) in year \(t\)
\(W_{S,a}(t)\) Average spawning weight of an age-\(a\) fish in year \(t\)
\(W_{midyear,a}(t)\) Average mid-year, or mean population weight of an age-\(a\) fish in year \(t\)
\(W_{v,D,a}(t)\) Average weight of an age-\(a\) fish discarded by fleet-\(v\) in year \(t\)
\(Y\) Number of Years in projection time horizon where \(t= 1,2,...,Y\)