
ss3diags - Advanced diagnostics to evaluate a Stock Synthesis model

ss3diags is an R package with advanced diagnostics to evaluate a Stock Synthesis model. Diagnostics include residual analyses, hindcasting and cross-validation techniques, and retrospective analyses

The R package ss3diags enables users to apply advanced diagnostics to evaluate a Stock Synthesis model. Diagnostics include residual analyses, hindcasting and cross-validation techniques, and retrospective analyses. ss3diags also allow users to reproduce the key model diagnostics plots that presented in the paper A Cookbook for Using Model Diagnostics in Integrated Stock Assessments.

ss3diags R package

ss3diags github page (PIFSCstockassessments)


  • Carvalho, F., Winker, H., Courtney, D., Kapur, M., Kell, L., Cardinale, M., Schirripag, M., Kitakado, T., Yemane, D., Piner, K.R., Maunder, M.N., Taylor, I., Wetzel, C.R., Doering, K., Johnsonm, K.F., Methot, R.D. 2021. A cookbook for using model diagnostics in integrated stock assessments. Fisheries Research. 240, 1-18.