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Fisheries Tools and Packages

Photo: NOAA Fisheries


ss3diags - Advanced diagnostics to evaluate a Stock Synthesis model

ss3diags is an R package with advanced diagnostics to evaluate a Stock Synthesis model. Diagnostics include residual analyses, hindcasting and cross-validation techniques, and retrospective analyses.

The R package ss3diags enables users to apply advanced diagnostics to evaluate a Stock Synthesis model. Diagnostics include residual analyses, hindcasting and cross-validation techniques, and retrospective analyses. ss3diags also allow users to reproduce the key model diagnostics plots that presented in the paper A Cookbook for Using Model Diagnostics in Integrated Stock Assessments.

ss3diags R package

ss3diags github page (PIFSCstockassessments)


Carvalho, F., Winker, H., Courtney, D., Kapur, M., Kell, L., Cardinale, M., Schirripag, M., Kitakado, T., Yemane, D., Piner, K.R., Maunder, M.N., Taylor, I., Wetzel, C.R., Doering, K., Johnsonm, K.F., Methot, R.D. 2021. A cookbook for using model diagnostics in integrated stock assessments. Fisheries Research. 240, 1-18.