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Fisheries Tools and Packages

Photo: NOAA Fisheries

JABBA: Just Another Bayesian Biomass Assessment

JABBA - Just Another Bayesian Biomass Assessment

This repository present the stock assessment tool ‘Just Another Bayesian Biomass Assessment’ JABBA.

The motivation for developing JABBA was to provide a user-friendly R to JAGS interface for fitting generalized Bayesian State-Space SPMs with the aim to generate reproducible stock status estimates and diagnostics.

Building on recent advances in optimizing the fitting procedures through the development of Bayesian state-space modeling approaches, JABBA originates from a continuous development process of a Bayesian State-Space SPM tool that has been applied and tested in many assessments across oceans.

JABBA was conceived in the Hawaiian Summer of 2015 as a collaboration between young researchers from South Africa and the Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center (NOAA) in Honolulu, HI USA. JABBA runs quickly and by default generates many useful plots and diagnostic tools for stock assessments.


Winker, H., Carvalho, F., Kapur, M. (2018) JABBA: Just Another Bayesian Biomass Assessment. Fisheries Research 204: 275-288.

Winker, H., Carvalho, F., Thorson, J.T., Kell, L.T., Parker, D., Kapur, M., Sharma, R., Booth, A.J., Kerwath, S.E., 2020. JABBA-Select: incorporating life history and fisheries’ selectivity into surplus production models. Fish. Es. 222, 105355.